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Order Details
Order #:
12313232 Email confirmation was sent
Order Date & Time:
Dec 27, 2013 7:16:25 PM
Order Status:
Grand Total:
Payment Information:
Credit Card
Customer Information
Customer Name:
Jhon Doe
New York
Phone Number:
Billing Address
Jhon Done
#24 Park Avenue Str
New York
Connecticut, 23456 New York
United States
T: 123123232
F: 231231232
Shipping Address
Jhon Done
#24 Park Avenue Str
New York
Connecticut, 23456 New York
United States
T: 123123232
F: 231231232
Shopping Cart
Product Item Status Original Price Price Quantity Tax Amount Tax Percent Discount Amount Total
Product 1 Available 345.50$ 345.50$ 2 2.00$ 4% 0.00$ 691.00$
Product 1 Available 345.50$ 345.50$ 2 2.00$ 4% 0.00$ 691.00$
Product 1 Available 345.50$ 345.50$ 2 2.00$ 4% 0.00$ 691.00$
Product 1 Available 345.50$ 345.50$ 2 2.00$ 4% 0.00$ 691.00$
Sub Total:
Grand Total:
Total Paid:
Total Refunded:
Total Due:
Invoice # Bill To Invoice Date Amount Status Actions
Credit Memo # Bill To Created Date Status Actions
Shipment # Ship To Shipped Date Quantity Actions
Datetime Description Notification Actions